What's new on CPAN - July 2019Aug 20, 2019 by David Farrellcpanpawsnews-apicpanfileio-blocksynclog4cplusmojoiperfA curated look at July’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - July 2017Aug 2, 2017 by David Farrellcpanlolgeonetcastle-iotiffmariadbneo4jjsonsqlpawsA curated look at July’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
AWS Cloudfront cache invalidation with PawsApr 3, 2017 by David Farrelldevelopmentawscloudfronts3pawsAnother useful AWS script built with PawsRead it
Deploy a static website with AWS S3 and PawsFeb 21, 2017 by David Farrelldevelopmentawspawss3static-websitePaws is a comprehensive Perl distribution for AWS servicesRead it