Testing mod_perl 2.0

Last time, we looked at writing a simple Apache output filter - Apache::Clean - using the mod_perl 2.0 API. How did I know that the filter I presented really worked? I wrote a test suite for it, one that…

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This article is about a new Perl module called CGI::Kwiki. With this module you can create a Wiki Web site in less than a minute. Now that’s quick. Or more appropriately, ``That’s Kwik!’’ If you’ve not heard of a…

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Filters in Apache 2.0

Not too long ago, despite a relative dearth of free tuits, I decided that I had put off my investigation of mod_perl 2.0 for too long - it was time to really start kicking the tires and tinkering with…

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Embedding Web Servers

As with most of my previous articles, this one grew out of a project at my $DAY_JOB. The project du-jour involves large dependency graphs, often containing thousands of nodes and edges. Some of the relationships are automatically generated and…

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