Exegesis 2

Exegesis 2 -> Editor’s note: this document is out of date and remains here for historic interest. See Synopsis 2 for the current design information. exegesis: n. an interpretation and explanation of a text, esp. Holy Writ This is the…

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Larry Wall: Apocalypse Two

Apocalypse 2 -> Editor’s Note: this Apocalypse is out of date and remains here for histor ic reasons. See Syn opsis 02 for the latest information. Perl 6 Apocalypse The rest of the “Apocalypse” series is available on Larry…

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Guide to the Perl 6 Working Groups

Table of Contents •Announcements and Overviews •Internals •Language   •perl6-language-data   •perl6-language-datetime   •perl6-language-errors   •perl6-language-flow   •perl6-language-io   •perl6-language-mlc   •perl6-language-objects   •perl6-language-regex   •perl6-language-strict   •perl6-language-subs   •perl6-language-unlink •Miscellaneous Larry said at the Perl conference this summer that the old model of Perl development was not working well…

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