Reversing Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions are arguably one of Perl’s most useful and powerful tools. The ability to match complex strings is one of the things that makes Perl the effective “Practical Extraction and Reporting Language” that it is. The regular expression…

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Red Flags Return

What’s Wrong With This Picture? -> Astute readers had a number of comments about last week’s Program Repair Shop and Red Flags article. Control Flow Puzzle In the article, I had a section of code that looked like this: $_…

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Beginner's Introduction to Perl - Part 2

Editor’s note: this venerable series is undergoing updates. You might be interested in the newer versions, available at: A Beginner’s Introduction to Perl 5.10 A Beginner’s Introduction to Files and Strings with Perl 5.10 A Beginner’s Introduction to Regular…

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Beginner's Introduction to Perl

Editor’s note: this venerable series is undergoing updates. You might be interested in the newer versions, available at: A Beginner’s Introduction to Perl 5.10 A Beginner’s Introduction to Files and Strings with Perl 5.10 A Beginner’s Introduction to Regular…

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Pod::Parser Notes

Pod::Parser Notes -> Some of my co-workers noticed the p5p weekly summary discussing (among other things) Pod::Parser. They mentioned it to me, and said they thought it cast me in an unfavorable light. So I’d like to clear up a…

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