What's new on CPAN - March 2016Apr 6, 2016 by David Farrellcpanrobinhoodlogacmelets_encryptteam_citypub_nubpushoverjsonmceA curated look at March’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - February 2016Mar 4, 2016 by David FarrellcpanwalmartwordpresshuffmanticketmastergitscientistcatalystA curated look at February’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - January 2016Feb 10, 2016 by David FarrellcpangithubluarpmsdcardA curated look at January’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - December 2015Jan 13, 2016 by David Farrellcpanrecaptchalets_encryptfrundisparsitodbgpdnadijkstraA curated look at December’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - November 2015Dec 8, 2015 by David Farrellcpanphantomjsdynamodbzendesklz4handlebarsconsultvmazeA curated look at November’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - October 2015Nov 3, 2015 by David FarrellcpanairbrakeslackjirafnvlinkedinA curated look at October’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - September 2015Oct 1, 2015 by David Farrellcpanjsonlibpuzzlehttp_headersrgboauthdiachronicneovimA curated look at September’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - August 2015Sep 3, 2015 by David Farrellcpanhadoopwebmaster_toolscloudfrontswaggerhilbertphpA curated look at August’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - July 2015Aug 4, 2015 by David FarrellcpanmojopingentopologicalpdlinfluxdbcratesshdiosA curated look at July’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - June 2015Jul 9, 2015 by David FarrellcpancatalystdancermojoseleniumsolrslackdxhipchatditaabonuslyzendeskOur monthly curated guide to CPAN’s newest modulesRead it
What's new on CPAN - May 2015Jun 4, 2015 by David Farrellcpangitgpsmarvelelasticsearchspamassassinhadoopdirectconnectgoogle_analyticspocketairbrakeOur curated guide to last month’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - April 2015May 7, 2015 by David Farrellcpanjsonjasminejbossbsdbus_pirateelectroncouchdbdynamodbminecraftOur curated guide to last month’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's New on CPAN - March 2015Apr 7, 2015 by David Farrellcpangs1postgresmailmapiniicalltsvprestoemailextjsOur monthly curated guide to the best new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - February 2015Mar 2, 2015 by David FarrellcpanyamlgitawsseleniumlithiumbitvectorjsonsurveymonkeyhaskelltomlOur curated guide to last month’s CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - January 2015Feb 6, 2015 by David Farrellcpancatalystdist_zillaplatypuslibffigoogle_tasksdata_fakedevopsdiffOur curated guide to last month’s CPAN uploadsRead it
The best of what's new on CPAN 2014Jan 15, 2015 by David Farrellcpanffimojobest_of2014dronehash_orderedslurpserealrevealjsphantomjspicSome modules you may have missed last yearRead it
What's new on CPAN - December 2014Jan 5, 2015 by David Farrellcpandancertcptescovultrinstapapergeo_codebitcoinA curated look at the latest CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - November 2014Dec 2, 2014 by David Farrellcpangitawsseleniumtrifidchessjump_hashtodoistgnucashbitbucketA curated look at the latest CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - October 2014Nov 7, 2014 by David Farrellcpandancerurandomffitinycchacker_newslock_socketfile_slurpcloud_convertfuzzy_matchmojositemapA curated look at the latest CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - September 2014Oct 3, 2014 by David Farrellcpanweatherhmacpirate_bustextanalyticsdnsbeerrexOur curated guide to September’s new CPAN uploadsRead it