Writing Perl Modules for CPAN

As Andy Lester points out in this month’s Perl Review, one big advantage of there being so many Perl books around is that the publishers can now get around to putting out books on some of the more "niche" areas…

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Graphics Programming with Perl

I recently received Martien Verbruggen’s long-awaited “Graphics Programming in Perl,” and I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. As he notes himself, “I didn’t think there would be enough coherent material to write such a book, and…

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Achieving Closure

Maybe you’ve heard about closures; they’re one of those aspects of Perl - like object-oriented programming - that everyone raves about and you can’t really see the big deal until you play around with them and then they just click….

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mod_perl Developer's Cookbook

I always feel uneasy getting review copies of books like this; review copies of books are for me to look through, tell people how good or bad they are, and then sit on the shelf looking pretty. This book, essentially,…

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