Red Flags Return

What’s Wrong With This Picture? -> Astute readers had a number of comments about last week’s Program Repair Shop and Red Flags article. Control Flow Puzzle In the article, I had a section of code that looked like this: $_…

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Critique of the Perl 6 RFC Process

Table of Contents •Problems with Proposals of Major Changes •Problems with Proposals of Minor Changes •Miscellaneous Problems •Overall Problems •Bottom Line A Very Brief Summary Discussion of major changes is pointless in the absence of a familiarity with internals…

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Guide to the Perl 6 Working Groups

Table of Contents •Announcements and Overviews •Internals •Language   •perl6-language-data   •perl6-language-datetime   •perl6-language-errors   •perl6-language-flow   •perl6-language-io   •perl6-language-mlc   •perl6-language-objects   •perl6-language-regex   •perl6-language-strict   •perl6-language-subs   •perl6-language-unlink •Miscellaneous Larry said at the Perl conference this summer that the old model of Perl development was not working well…

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Reports from YAPC 19100

Lightning Reports from YAPC -> Reports from: •Schuyler D. Erle •Avi •Gene Boggs: Day 2 •Sean M. Burke •Uri Guttman •Brad Murray •Lisa Nyman: Report from a First-time Presenter •Clinton Pierce •Nathan Torkington •Adam Turoff •Mark-Jason Dominus Last month Yet…

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This Week on p5p 2000/07/09

Notes NEW! RDF Available Bug Database buildtoc use namespace Unicode Input Solution tr/a-z-0// Mutual use sprintf tests Complex Expressions in Formats Threading Failure Test Case What does changing PL_sh_path do? UNTIE Method Sarathy Fixes a Bug that Nobody Knew…

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This Week on p5p 2000/07/02

Notes More Unicode Unicode Handling HOWTO Unicode Regex Matching I18N FAQ Normalization Simon Stops Working on Unicode Speeding up method lookups my PACKAGE $foo cfgperl Missing Methods Signals on Windows New File::Spec Another depressing regex engine bug s/// Appears…

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This Week on p5p 2000/06/25

Notes Method Lookup Speedup tr///CU and tr///UC Removed is_utf8_string Byte-Order Marks Return pack(“U”) Lexical variables and eval() FILEGV perlhacktut perlutil.pod Missing Methods Suppress prototype mismatch warnings Autoloaded Constants not Inlined use English Numeric opens in IPC::Open3 Regex Bug…

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This Week on p5p 2000/06/18

Notes Method Call Speedups More Attempts to Make B::Bytecode Faster Byte-Order Marks Continue Slurp Bug EPOC Port README.hpux Paths in MacPerl Non-destructed anonymous functions Extensions required for regression tests Eudora Problem crypt docs Magic Auto-Decrement Various Notes You can…

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This Week on p5p 2000/06/11

Notes Byte-Order Marks Magic Auto-Decrement Bug Reports Core Dump I Core Dump II Exit status obliterated by system() after exit()-> Class::Struct objects misbehave with ->isa() Data::Dumper Weirdness Blessed coderefs never DESTROYed Code compiled incorrectly MacPerl Test Suite Patches Why…

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This Week on p5p 2000/06/04

Notes Ilya Quits B::Bytecode is Ineffective Ben’s map Patch split Oddities scalar Operator Doesn’t perlmodlib perlnewmod Method Lookup Caching Perl in Russia Eudora Problem h2xs Backward Compatibility Various Notes You can subscribe to an email version of this summary…

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This Week on p5p 2000/05/28

Notes Regex Engine Enhancements eq and UTF8 operator Caching of the getby Functions Forbidden Declarations Continued Perl in the News readonly Pragma Continues Magical Autoincrement Doctor, Doctor, it Hurts When I Do This! use strict ‘formatting’ Complex Expressions in…

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This Week on p5p 2000/05/21

Notes my $x if 0; Trick Zero-padded numbers in formats Forbidden Declarations Port to Windows/CE is Still There pod2latex Long Regexes UTF8 Hash Keys UTF8 String Patches has Been Addressed More Environmental Problems readonly Pragma Tutorials Brad…

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Perl Meets COBOL

A few weeks ago I went to do a four-day beginning Perltraining at a local utility company. It was quite different from other training classes I’d given. Typically, my students have some Unix and C experience. These students, however,…

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This Week on p5p 2000/05/14

Notes Regex Stress Testing Another Thread-Safing Patch Enormous perldoc discussion winds up Build patches for OS/2 Regex Engine Method calls on unblessed references Version Tuples Broken? Negative Subscripts for Tied Arrays Upcoming corrections Various Notes You can subscribe to…

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