Quickly Debug your Perl code at the command lineMar 13, 2015 by David Farrelltestingone_linerterminaldebugtestingSomething not working? Whip up a one liner and find out whyRead it
How to test for exceptions in PerlMar 5, 2015 by David Farrelltestingtest_moretestunit_testtest_exceptiontapDoes your code blow up the way you expect it to?Read it
What's new on CPAN - February 2015Mar 2, 2015 by David FarrellcpanyamlgitawsseleniumlithiumbitvectorjsonsurveymonkeyhaskelltomlOur curated guide to last month’s CPAN uploadsRead it
Hello perldoc, productivity boosterFeb 26, 2015 by David Farrellappscpandocumentationpodterminalcommand_lineperldocproductivityGet to know perldoc to find Perl answers fasterRead it
Build a Twitter bot with PerlFeb 23, 2015 by David FarrellwebperlredditbottwitterautomationtweetAutomating tweets can win you more followers!Read it
Get to grips with GNU ScreenFeb 16, 2015 by David Farrelltoolingcommand_linemultiplexerscreensysadminterminalterminatortmuxOnce you start using a multiplexer, you’ll never go backRead it
Build a Reddit bot with PerlFeb 9, 2015 by David FarrellwebxmlperlredditrssfeedatombotIt’s easy and fast to doRead it
What's new on CPAN - January 2015Feb 6, 2015 by David Farrellcpancatalystdist_zillaplatypuslibffigoogle_tasksdata_fakedevopsdiffOur curated guide to last month’s CPAN uploadsRead it
Support the 2015 QA HackathonJan 28, 2015 by David Farrellcommunitycommunityqa_hackathonberlin2015Can you help?Read it
Introducing 3 new Perl GlyphsJan 23, 2015 by David FarrellcommunityicomoonfontforgesvgglyphbootstrapiconfontWhat will you use them for?Read it
The best of what's new on CPAN 2014Jan 15, 2015 by David Farrellcpanffimojobest_of2014dronehash_orderedslurpserealrevealjsphantomjspicSome modules you may have missed last yearRead it
How to create a grammar in Perl 6Jan 13, 2015 by David Farrellperl-6perl_6grammarpegexThey’re powerful and easy to whip upRead it
What's new on CPAN - December 2014Jan 5, 2015 by David Farrellcpandancertcptescovultrinstapapergeo_codebitcoinA curated look at the latest CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - November 2014Dec 2, 2014 by David Farrellcpangitawsseleniumtrifidchessjump_hashtodoistgnucashbitbucketA curated look at the latest CPAN uploadsRead it
Get started with Perl 6 one linersNov 20, 2014 by David Farrellperl-6windowsone_linerperlterminalcommand_lineperl-6rakudoOne liners in Perl are better than everRead it
Advanced slideshow maneuversNov 13, 2014 by David Farrellappsrevealjsapp_revealupspeaker_notesmarkdownGet the most out of your markdown-driven presentationsRead it
Boost your Perl productivity with auto-compile checkingNov 10, 2014 by David Farrelltestingperlcompilecheckvimsublime_texttext_editorwatchsyntasticAn easy trick that saves you timeRead it
What's new on CPAN - October 2014Nov 7, 2014 by David Farrellcpandancerurandomffitinycchacker_newslock_socketfile_slurpcloud_convertfuzzy_matchmojositemapA curated look at the latest CPAN uploadsRead it
Implementing Did You Mean in PerlOct 31, 2014 by David Farrelldevelopmentautoloadmastering-perlsymbol_tablerubydid_you_meanCatching and handling undefined subroutine exceptionsRead it
Perl's versatile split functionOct 24, 2014 by David FarrelldevelopmentarraysplitbuiltinfunctionwhitespacetrimcharjoinWrite elegant, simple code with splitRead it