past, present and future at TPC::NAJun 17, 2018 by David Farrellcommunitytpctpc-naslcI’m speaking at The Perl Conference in Salt Lake CityRead it
Writing new testing tools with Test2Jun 12, 2018 by David Farrelltestingtest2test2-tools-skipuntilExtending Perl’s powerful new test frameworkRead it
What's new on CPAN - May 2018Jun 3, 2018 by David Farrellcpanqgodabingpokemondottest2kubernetesdockerswapiA curated look at May’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
What's new on CPAN - April 2018May 7, 2018 by David Farrellcpanrslinuxrobinhoodmenlodata-cuidurandomzfssaA curated look at April’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
XS utility routines that are good to knowApr 30, 2018 by David Farrelltutorialsxsutf8libpostaltiebootXS functions you’ll use again and againRead it
Participate in the 2018 Perl developer surveyApr 17, 2018 by David Farrellcommunitybuilt-in-perlsurveyHelp us understand the state of PerlRead it
What's new on CPAN - March 2018Apr 2, 2018 by David Farrellcpanduktapefirebasefreetyperaspberry-pianyeventmarkuamojoliciousA curated look at March’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
How to find a programming topic to write aboutMar 26, 2018 by David FarrelltutorialswritingcontributingWriting is easier when you know the goalRead it
Hidden Gems of Vol.2Mar 12, 2018 by David Farrellperldotcomhidden-gemsstyleClassic articles from’s archiveRead it
What's new on CPAN - February 2018Mar 5, 2018 by David Farrellcpantwiliojsonapieiffelgithubspidbit-torrentpodA curated look at February’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
How does traceroute work?Feb 28, 2018 by David FarrellnetworkingtracerouteudptcpicmpIdentifying which routers process an IP requestRead it
Real World Perl: Analyze Chrome's heapFeb 19, 2018 by David Farrellcommunityreal-world-perlchromeheapUsing Perl to analyze (and optimize) Chrome’s heapRead it
Reading remote documentationFeb 11, 2018 by David FarrellcpanperldoccpandocpodmetacpanshHow to read the documentation for modules you don’t haveRead it
How strong is your password?Feb 6, 2018 by David Farrellsecurityzxcvbndropboxentropydata-password-zxcvbnPassword strength checking with zxcvbnRead it
What's new on CPAN - January 2018Feb 3, 2018 by David Farrellcpanbinancebitcoinacmempdcxmlxml-libxmlstatsdA curated look at January’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
When Perl isn't fast enoughJan 28, 2018 by David Farrellprogramming-languagesgothreadsmicrosoftjavarouter-xscatalystkelptext-xslateLosing in a competition to Java and GoRead it
Real World Perl: Measuring Working Set SizeJan 18, 2018 by David Farrellcommunitywssreal-world-perlbrendan-greggmeltdownkptiUsing Perl to measure Linux memory use for Meltdown patch analysisRead it
Writing your own XS functionsJan 12, 2018 by David Farrelltutorialsxsstdint.hperlapiWrite functions that execute at the speed of CRead it
What's new on CPAN - December 2017Jan 8, 2018 by David Farrellcpandiffiexextutils-makemakergitlabbase91libjpegu2fmodbusA curated look at December’s new CPAN uploadsRead it
Hidden Gems of Perl.comJan 4, 2018 by David Farrellperldotcomhidden-gemsstate-of-the-onionperlgutsperl-styleperl-internalsperl-6Classic articles from’s archiveRead it