JSON, Unicode, and Perl … Oh My!

Consider the following code:

use Mojo::JSON;
use Cpanel::JSON::XS;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;

my $e_acute = "\xc3\xa9";

my $json = Mojo::JSON::encode_json([$e_acute]);
my $decoded = Cpanel::JSON::XS->new()->decode($json)->[0];
print Dumper( $json, $decoded );

You might think this a reasonable enough round-trip, just using two different JSON libraries, Mojo::JSON and Cpanel::JSON::XS. In fact, though, when you run this you’ll see that $decode in the above is "\x{c3}\x{83}\x{c2}\x{a9}", not just the "\xc3\xa9" that we started with.

Now invert the encoder/decoder modules:

use Mojo::JSON;
use Cpanel::JSON::XS;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;

my $e_acute = "\xc3\xa9";

my $json = Cpanel::JSON::XS->new()->encode([$e_acute]);
my $decoded = Mojo::JSON::decode_json($json)->[0];
print Dumper( $json, $decoded );

Now $decode is just "\x{e9}". What’s going on here?

What’s in a string?

To appreciate the above, we first have to grapple with what Perl strings are, fundamentally. Unlike C strings, Perl strings aren’t mere arrays of bytes … but unlike, say, Python 3 strings, Perl strings aren’t arrays of Unicode characters, either. Perl strings, rather, are arrays of “code points” in an undefined character set.

In particular, unlike Python, JavaScript, and many other popular high-level programming languages, Perl strings do not differentiate between “binary” and “text”. For example, if Perl reads bytes 0xff, 0xfe, 0xfd, and 0xfc off of a binary filehandle, the string that Perl creates from those 4 bytes is understood to contain not 4 bytes, but 4 code points, without reference to any particular character set, stored in an abstract, internal-use encoding. (The Perl interpreter may, in fact, use 4 bytes to store the string, but that would be an implementation detail, of no concern to interpreted Perl code.)

This point must be stressed: Perl does not care—and does not want to care—whether a given string’s code points represent bytes or characters. (More will be said on this later.)

Back to JSON

In our examples above we compared round-tripping using different libraries for the encode and decode. Let’s dig further by comparing just the encoded JSON:

use Mojo::JSON;
use Cpanel::JSON::XS;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;

my $e_acute = "\xc3\xa9";

my $mojo_json = Mojo::JSON::encode_json([$e_acute]);
my $cp_json = Cpanel::JSON::XS->new()->encode([$e_acute]);
print Dumper( $mojo_json, $cp_json );

This will print:

$VAR1 = "[\"\303\203\302\251\"]";
$VAR2 = "[\"\x{c3}\x{a9}\"]";

(Note that Data::Dumper outputs one string using octal escapes and the other using hex. This reflects another Perl interpreter implementation detail which, for now, is of no concern.)

Our input string contains two code points, 0xc3 and 0xa9. Recall that there is no specific character set associated with those code points; they’re just numbers. JSON, though, is purely Unicode—and the latest standard mandates UTF-8 encoding specifically. So we need to translate our “no-character-set” code points to UTF-8 in order to encode to JSON. But how to do this?

We can’t, strictly speaking. It would be like trying to convert 5 “currency units” to U.S. dollars: we need to know the actual source currency (Bitcoin? Euros?) to get an answer. Likewise, in Perl, to express our stored “code points” in UTF-8 we need to know what characters those code points represent. For example, your Perl string might store code point 142 … but which character is that? Perl doesn’t know, and Perl doesn’t care. Without a defined character set, a code point is just a number.

To work around this problem, our JSON libraries make reasonable—though not necessarily correct—assumptions about what the string’s code points represent.

Mojo::JSON assumes that our 2 original code points are Unicode. That means Mojo::JSON thinks we gave it the characters U+00C3 (Ã) and U+00A9 (©). The reason for the “expansion” from 2 code points to 4 in the encoded JSON is that Mojo::JSON encodes our code points as UTF-8: U+00C3 becomes Perl code points 0303 (0xc3) and 0203 (0x83), and U+00A9 becomes 0302 (0xc2) and 0251 (0xa9).

Cpanel::JSON::XS makes a different assumption that suits a different interpretation: This encoder assumes that our 2 original code points represent whatever bytes of the characters that should go into the eventual JSON. Unlike with Mojo::JSON, there is no assumption about a desired encoding, which allows the caller full control over the encoding.

(This flexibility allows the encoder’s caller to choose, e.g., UTF-16 rather than UTF-8 for the encoded JSON. That made more sense prior to the latest JSON specification, which mandates UTF-8 outside closed systems.)

The same difference in behavior applies to our two decoder functions. They, too, face an “unsolvable” problem, the reverse of that for encoding. And their solutions mirror the encoders’.

use Mojo::JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;

my $from_mojo = "[\"\303\203\302\251\"]";
my $from_cp = "[\"\x{c3}\x{a9}\"]";

$from_mojo = Mojo::JSON::decode_json($from_mojo)->[0];
$from_cp = Mojo::JSON::decode_json($from_cp)->[0];
print Dumper( $from_mojo, $from_cp );

This will print:

$VAR1 = "\x{c3}\x{a9}";
$VAR2 = "\x{e9}";

Recall that Mojo::JSON’s encoder interprets its input as Unicode and that its output code points represent bytes of UTF-8. Above you’ll see that its decoder does the inverse: it interprets its input as bytes of UTF-8 and outputs code points understood to be Unicode. This means the number of code points output will be smaller than the number input if the input contains any code points above 127 (0x7f), which UTF-8 represents as multiple bytes.

As for Cpanel::JSON::XS:

use Mojo::JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;

my $from_mojo = "[\"\303\203\302\251\"]";
my $from_cp = "[\"\x{c3}\x{a9}\"]";

$from_mojo = Cpanel::JSON::XS->new()->decode($from_mojo)->[0];
$from_cp = Cpanel::JSON::XS->new()->decode($from_cp)->[0];
print Dumper( $from_mojo, $from_cp );

This gives:

$VAR1 = "\x{c3}\x{83}\x{c2}\x{a9}";
$VAR2 = "\x{c3}\x{a9}";

The decode() method, like encode(), assumes that the caller will handle encoding manually and so simply copies code points.

Aside: Assumptions of UTF-8

Mojo::JSON’s behavior of encoding to UTF-8 has precedent: Perl itself!

You may have run into something like this:

> perl -e'print "\x{100}"'
Wide character in print at -e line 1.

For code points 0-255 Perl just outputs the code point as an octet, but when asked to output a code point that exceeds 255, obviously that doesn’t work. In this case, Perl assumes you want UTF-8 but throws the “wide character” warning to tip you off to the fact that you missed something—in this case, you neglected to encode code point 256 to bytes.

Abusing the System

Cpanel::JSON::XS’s encode() allows for a nonstandard use of JSON: literal binary data. Consider the following:

perl -MCpanel::JSON::XS -e'print Cpanel::JSON::XS->new()->encode(["\xff"])'

… will output 5 bytes: [, ", 0xff, ", and ]. This is invalid JSON because no Unicode encoding (let alone UTF-8) ever encodes a character to a single 0xff byte. Only special decoders that understand this “literal binary” JSON variant will parse this as intended. That reliance on a custom mode of operation undercuts JSON’s usefulness as a widely-supported standard—which may seem fine at first but can easily bite if your application grows in scope.

Applications that need to serialize strings with arbitrary octets (i.e., binary) should apply a secondary encoding (e.g., Base64) to strings prior to JSON encoding. Or, better yet, prefer a binary-friendly encoding like CBOR.

About That Flag Behind the Curtain …

If you run the output from our two encoder methods through Devel::Peek, you’ll see something like this for Mojo::JSON’s output:

SV = PV(0x7fdc27802f30) at 0x7fdc27e59c58
  REFCNT = 1
  PV = 0x7fdc28826350 "[\"\303\203\302\251\"]"\0
  CUR = 8
  LEN = 34

… and this for Cpanel::JSON::XS:

SV = PV(0x7fc0cd004d30) at 0x7fc0cd016228
  REFCNT = 1
  PV = 0x7fc0cce2ef60 "[\"\303\203\302\251\"]"\0 [UTF8 "["\x{c3}\x{a9}"]"]
  CUR = 8
  LEN = 34

Note the UTF8 flag in the latter. This tells us that Perl’s internal storage of the string’s code points uses UTF-8 encoding. This difference is why, as we saw earlier, Data::Dumper encodes Mojo::JSON’s output using octal escapes but Cpanel::JSON::XS’s using hex: Data::Dumper recognizes the UTF8 flag and renders its output based on it.

As perldoc perlunifaq makes clear, though, the UTF8 flag is not meant for consumption by Perl code. Perl applications should regard strings as simple sequences of code points, without regard for how the Perl interpreter may store those strings in memory.

That being said, in limited contexts it may work to imitate the distinction between string types in languages like Python and JavaScript by regarding UTF8-flagged strings as “character strings” and non-UTF8-flagged strings as “byte strings”—indeed, multiple serializers on CPAN, including two of my own, do exactly this. This isn’t a supported model, though, for using Perl strings, and any code that depends on it may behave differently in different Perl versions. Caveat emptor!

Making Peace

JSON and Perl are odd bedfellows. Perl’s lack of distinct number and string types, for example, can yield JSON that uses the wrong type for one value or the other. Perl’s lack of native booleans produces a similar effect.

The encoding problems discussed above, though, are especially nefarious because accommodating them requires a good understanding of all of the above. Most developers can accommodate something like {"age": "9"} easily enough because typecasting from "9" (string) to 9 (number) is commonplace. But how many would see "é" and think, “ah! I simply have to treat those characters’ code points as bytes then decode those bytes as UTF-8!” Some would, to be sure—perhaps even many—but likely fewer than can easily coerce "9" to 9.

Binary-friendly encodings like CBOR mitigate against this problem because whatever decodes the Perl-sourced data can more easily recognize the need to decode from binary. Anyone who doesn’t know about bytes and encodings will quickly learn! Fundamentally, though, even CBOR doesn’t really fit Perl’s “pure code points” string model very well because CBOR distinguishes strongly between binary and text strings, which Perl does not.

At the end of the day, Perl’s data model, for all of the conveniences that it affords us, makes communication with many other languages a challenge. The best we can do is to anticipate these problems and deal with them as they arise.

Epilogue: JSON Alternatives

JSON’s inability to store arbitrary octet strings is, in my experience, its biggest liability, but there are other reasons why I often prefer to avoid JSON:

  • Its inability to store comments and proscription against trailing commas make it an awkward choice for human-maintained data structures.

  • Its \uXXXX escapes support only characters within Unicode’s BMP; to store emoji or other non-BMP characters you either have to encode to UTF-8 directly or indicate a UTF-16 surrogate pair (What does that mean?) in \uXXXX escapes.

  • It’s inefficient compared with binary formats.

TOML is a nice serialization format for human-maintained data structures. It’s line-delimited and—of course!—allows comments, and any Unicode code point can be expressed in simple hexadecimal. TOML is fairly new, and its specification is still in flux; nevertheless, it already undergirds a number of high-profile software projects like Rust’s Cargo package manager and Hugo—which powers this site! CPAN hosts several implementations of this serialization.

The aforementioned CBOR improves upon JSON’s efficiency and also allows for storage of binary strings. Whereas JSON encoders must stringify numbers and escape all strings, CBOR stores numbers “literally” and prefixes strings with their length, which obviates the need to escape those strings. These dramatically simplify both encoding and decoding. As with TOML and YAML, CPAN hosts multiple CBOR implementations. (Full disclosure: Two of these are of my own authorship.)

Sereal is another great JSON substitute that confers most of CBOR’s benefits and can even serialize more “Perl-specific” items like regular expressions. This makes it ideal for Perl-to-Perl IPC. The reference implementation is CPAN’s Sereal distribution. Sereal isn’t as well-supported as CBOR outside Perl, though, so if you need to communicate with non-Perl code, Sereal may not work as well for you.

YAML is another format that humans can maintain easily. Unlike TOML, YAML supports binary strings; in fact, it’s flexible enough to replace Data::Dumper in many cases. CPAN includes a number of libraries that implement YAML.

Thank you for reading!


Felipe Gasper

Felipe Gasper has been writing Perl since the early 2000s and currently consults regularly for cPanel, L.L.C. He is also an experienced choral conductor, singer, and organist. In his spare time he enjoys movies, theater, “armchair linguistics”, and gaming.

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