How to upload a script to CPAN

If you’ve got a Perl script that does something useful, you might want to put it on CPAN. Becoming a CPAN author is a rite-of-passage for Perl programmers, you’ll learn about the CPAN infrastructure and sharing code is a nice thing to do. Within a few minutes of uploading a distribution to CPAN, it’s indexed and installable by anyone with a CPAN client, which is pretty incredible.

So let’s say I’ve got this Perl script:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;

my $text = 'bar';
my $dt = DateTime->now;

if ($dt->mon == 1 && $dt->day == 31) {
   $text = reverse $text;

print "$text\n";
exit 0;

It usually prints “bar”, but on January 31, National Backward day, it prints “rab”. I’ll take you step-by-step through the process of putting it on CPAN.

Setup your distribution directory

An upload to CPAN is called a distribution, and each one contains several files, so I need to make a directory to contain all of the files I’m going to create. As most applications are uploaded under the namespace App, that’s what I’ll use too:

$ mkdir App-foo
$ cd App-foo

This is the root project directory. Now I’m going to make a few subdirectories:

$ mkdir script
$ mkdir -p lib/App

lib/App is a parent directory for the stub module that we’ll create shortly. The script directory is where I’ll place the foo script.

Prepare the script for CPAN

I’ll copy my script to script/foo. One change I like to make my CPAN scripts is the shebang line. For my personal scripts I typically use:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

The advantage of this is by calling env the Perl that is executed can be changed by updating my PATH. This is great when you’re running perlbrew or plenv. However not everyone manages multiple installations of Perl this way. Instead, I like to use:


When the distribution is installed, the shebang line is automatically changed to the absolute path of the Perl executable used to install the distribution, like this:


You can also use #!/usr/bin/perl and it will be overwritten by the install process. One reason I like #!perl is that it won’t work without either installing the script or specifying the perl to run it with. This avoids mistakes like accidentally running the script with system Perl.

I should also add some documentation, so the final script looks like this:

use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;

my $text = 'bar';
my $dt = DateTime->now;

if ($dt->mon == 1 && $dt->day == 31) {
   $text = reverse $text;

print "$text\n";
exit 0;

=head1 NAME

foo - print bar, usually


A simple script which usually prints C<bar>. On national backwards day
(January 31), it prints C<rab>. This distribution is used to show others
how to prepare a script for CPAN.


  $ foo

=head1 AUTHOR

David Farrell

=head1 LICENSE



Using C<cpan>:

    $ cpan App::foo

Manual install:

    $ perl Makefile.PL
    $ make
    $ make install


I’ve included installation instructions here, you’ll see why later.

Make a stub module

The CPAN toolchain requires at least one package in every distribution1, so I’m going to make a stub lib/App/

package App::foo;

our $VERSION = 0.01;

=head1 NAME

App::foo - an app that usually prints "bar"


This is a stub module, see F<script/foo> for details of the app.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Farrell

=head1 LICENSE




This stub module does a couple of important things: having the package means CPAN can index the module and it will be searchable on metacpan and installable by CPAN clients like cpan and cpanm. It sets the distribution version number and it includes some basic documentation to point users towards the foo script, which is the meat and potatoes of this distribution.

1 You can trick CPAN by editing the META files and not providing a Perl module. Check out stasis for an example of this. The downside is it’s not clear what other tools in the Perl toolchain might break without a real package. Not recommended.

Create a Makefile.PL

The other file we need is Makefile.PL. This is a Perl script which will create the Makefile that builds, tests and installs the module. Later I’ll use some of the built-in routines in the Perl toolchain to use our Makefile.PL to do a bit more than that.

use 5.008004;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

  NAME             => 'App::foo',
  VERSION_FROM     => 'lib/App/',
  ABSTRACT_FROM    => 'lib/App/',
  AUTHOR           => 'David Farrell',
  LICENSE          => 'freebsd',
  MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008004',
  EXE_FILES        => ['script/foo'],
  PREREQ_PM        => {
    'strict'   => 0,
    'warnings' => 0,
    'DateTime' => '0.37',
  (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.46) } ? (META_MERGE => {
      'meta-spec' => { version => 2 },
      resources => {
          repository => {
              type => 'git',
              url  => '',
              web  => '',
   : ()

This Makefile.PL script uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker. Right at the top of the script the statement use 5.008004 ensures this script can only be run by Perl version 5.8.4 or higher. The MINIMUM_PERL_VERSION entry is there so CPAN clients and services like CPAN testers will know what minimum Perl version is required to use the distribution.

You can see I’ve set the version and abstract text to come from the stub module. I’ve set the license to be FreeBSD, but there are many others that are accepted. Both the license and minimum Perl version entries are newer options that may generate warnings in older versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker - that’s fine, they’ll be ignored and the build can continue regardless.

The EXE_FILES line is important; it will make sure the script is copied to an executable directory on installation. PREREQ_PM is a hashref of the runtime modules used by the script. In this case the first version of DateTime that supported the mon() method used in the script was 0.37 (technically mon() is an alias that I could switch to month() but that would make for a less interesting example). For the strict and warnings pragmas, there is no minimum version so I can just use zero.

The final part of the script begins with the eval and it’s a little odd. Older versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker didn’t support version 2 of the CPAN meta specification, so using META_MERGE this will only be included if being built with a modern version. This optional entry can be used if the distribution code is in a repository like GitHub, otherwise it’s not needed. Sites like MetaCPAN will include a link to the repo on GitHub if this is present.

Create a README

I like to cheat for this one:

$ perldoc -u script/foo > README.pod

This writes the raw POD out of the script into README.pod. One thing to remember is to include installation instructions in this file. This is why I included it in the script POD.

Add a LICENSE file

I’ve already specified this distribution’s software license as FreeBSD in the makefile, so I should include a copy of the license in the distribution. This is easy with App::Software::License:

$ software-license --holder 'David Farrell' --license FreeBSD --type fulltext > LICENSE

This creates a FreeBSD license in my name and writes it to the LICENSE file.

Build the distribution tarball

Ok now the fun begins!

$ perl Makefile.PL
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for App::foo
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json

This creates the Makefile but also META files which define the metadata of the distribution. These is used by the CPAN toolchain for things like indexing, version control and dependency management (CPAN::Meta::Spec describes the metadata specification).

$ make manifest
"/home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/bin/perl5.22.0" "-MExtUtils::Manifest=mkmanifest" -e mkmanifest
Added to MANIFEST: lib/App/
Added to MANIFEST: Makefile.PL
Added to MANIFEST: script/foo

This will create the MANIFEST file, which lists all of the files in a distribution.

$ make
cp lib/App/ blib/lib/App/
cp README.pod blib/lib/App/README.pod
cp script/foo blib/script/foo
"/home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/bin/perl5.22.0" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/foo
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 2 pod documents

$ make install
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 2 pod documents
Installing /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.22.0/App/
Installing /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.22.0/App/README.pod
Installing /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/man/man1/foo.1
Installing /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/man/man3/App::README.3
Installing /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/man/man3/App::foo.3
Installing /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/bin/foo
Appending installation info to /home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/lib/perl5/5.22.0/x86_64-linux/perllocal.pod
cp lib/App/ blib/lib/App/
cp script/foo blib/script/foo
"/home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/bin/perl5.22.0" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/foo
Manifying 1 pod document

These commands build the distribution and install it on my computer. I can test run the script now:

$ foo

That works, so I’ll create the distribution tarball:

$ make dist
rm -rf App-foo-0.01
"/home/dfarrell/.plenv/versions/5.22.0/bin/perl5.22.0" "-MExtUtils::Manifest=manicopy,maniread" \
        -e "manicopy(maniread(),'App-foo-0.01', 'best');"
mkdir App-foo-0.01
mkdir App-foo-0.01/lib
mkdir App-foo-0.01/lib/App
mkdir App-foo-0.01/script
Generating META.yml
Generating META.json
tar cvf App-foo-0.01.tar App-foo-0.01
rm -rf App-foo-0.01
gzip --best App-foo-0.01.tar
Created App-foo-0.01.tar.gz

Almost done, I’ll use the Makefile to clean up the build files:

$ make clean
rm -f \
foo.bso foo.def \
foo.exp foo.x \
 blib/arch/auto/App/foo/extralibs.all \
blib/arch/auto/App/foo/extralibs.ld Makefile.aperl \
*.a *.o \
*perl.core MYMETA.json \
MYMETA.yml blibdirs.ts \
core core.*perl.*.? \
core.[0-9] core.[0-9][0-9] \
core.[0-9][0-9][0-9] core.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] \
core.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] libfoo.def \
mon.out perl \
perl perl.exe \
perlmain.c pm_to_blib \
pm_to_blib.ts so_locations \
rm -rf \
mv Makefile Makefile.old > /dev/null 2>&1

Upload to CPAN

I already have a PAUSE account, so I can skip this step. Otherwise prospective CPAN authors need to register for a PAUSE account. Don’t skip on the “A short description of why you would like a PAUSE ID” entry - this is one way the PAUSE admins identify human versus bot requests, and you don’t want to be mistaken for a bot!

Once I login to PAUSE, I can upload the distribution from the uploads page. These days I like to do it from the command line with CPAN::Uploader. That would work like this:

$ cpan-upload -u DFARRELL App-foo-0.01.tar.gz

cpan-upload will then prompt for my PAUSE password, and confirm the upload was successful.

Within a few minutes, I’ll receive two emails from PAUSE: one confirms the uploaded distribution file, the other confirms it was indexed. Depending on how fast the CPAN mirrors update their index, users can now install the module at their command line with:

$ cpan App::foo


It may seem like a lot of work at first, but I only had to create the stub module and the Makefile.PL, both of which can be copied from elsewhere, and edited. The other files were generated. All the files described in this article are available in the GitHub repo.

Chapter 12 of Intermediate Perl describes how to create a Perl distribution in greater detail. perlnewmod is a brief overview of how create a module and prepare it for CPAN.

This article was originally posted on


David Farrell

David is the editor of An organizer of the New York Perl Meetup, he works for ZipRecruiter as a software developer, and sometimes tweets about Perl and Open Source.

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