How to become a CPAN contributor - part 2

In the previous article I described some typical issues that are good for first time CPAN contributors to tackle. In this article, I will go through the nitty-gritty of fixing issues, and some gotchas to watch out for. If you’re not familiar with the differences between a Perl distribution, module and package, check out this guide.

Missing license meta name

This is where the build script is missing a license name. It should be an easy fix - just add the license name to the build script. However there is a catch and I have been bitten by it before: the license meta name depends on the build script type. For example, if the distribution document says the license is “Artistic 2” in Makefile.PL the meta name would be “artistic_2” whereas in a dist.ini it would be “Artistic_2_0”.

E.g. the Makefile.PL from my distribution Map::Tube

ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/Map/',
LICENSE       => 'artistic_2',
EXE_FILES     => [ 'script/map-data-converter' ],

Compared to the dist.ini from my distribution Map::Tube::Delhi

author  = Mohammad S Anwar <>
license = Artistic_2_0
copyright_holder = Mohammad S Anwar

If you are adding a software license to a distribution, Software::License is a good resource which has many different types of Open Source licenses.

One thing to check for is whether the distribution repository has a META.yml file or not. If it does, adding the license meta name to the build script may cause the build process to warn: “Invalid LICENSE value …”. This happens because the META.yml already contains a license value of “unknown”, which conflicts with the build script. The solution here is to delete the META.yml file and build the distribution, adding the newly-generated META.yml back into the repository.

You might be thinking, why would you keep META.yml in the project repository as it can be easily generated? I agree it’s probably a mistake, but keep in mind your intent is to add the license meta and nothing else. The author might have a good reason for keeping the META.yml file around. One approach would be to discuss with the author if it is good idea to drop it completely.

Missing strict/warnings pragma

This is the easiest of all: one or more modules in the distribution are missing the [strict]]( or warnings pragmas. Just add the line use strict; (or use warnings;) at the top of the modules missing them:

package package_name;
use strict;

Is it that simple? Yes and no. If the module uses Moose or Moo then use strict; is enabled automatically, so the additional import is redundant. The module Test::Strict has the strict_ok test function to detect whether a module has enabled strict mode or not (full disclosure, I am the distribution maintainer).

With the warnings pragma, there can be other considerations too. I was giving talk at the German Perl Workshop 2018, during the talk I spoke about one of my pull requests being rejected by the author for adding warnings pragma. At the time I didn’t have the courage to question the author, so I apologized and moved on. Surprisingly, the very same author was sitting in the front row attending my talk! And he was none other than Reini Urban. At the end of the talk, he explained to me why he rejected the pull request: in some cases, adding the warnings pragma can reduce how fast Perl executes.

So the moral of the story is, be careful when adding use warnings; line. To be honest with you, I avoid dealing with missing warnings issues unless I know the author personally.

Missing META.json

Sometimes, you will find a distribution missing the META.json file. Recently, I have noticed many CPAN module authors have adopted Dist::Zilla as the distribution builder. I am a big fan of this tool, however if the author is moving from a traditional distribution builder like ExtUtils::MakeMaker then they often forget to generate this file.

There is an easy solution to this problem: just add [MetaJSON] to the dist.ini file, and Dist::Zilla will generate it during the build process.

Missing a minimum Perl version

This is where the build script does not declare the minimum version of Perl it requires. I am now going to show you how to add this information depending on what distribution builder is used by the module author.

In case of ExtUtils::MakeMaker, it is as simple as adding the key MIN_PERL_VERSION as shown below to the Makefile.PL script.

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

  MIN_PERL_VERSION   => 5.006,

Whereas if distribution builder is Module::Build then you can do something like this:

use Module::Build;

my $builder = Module::Builder->new(
  requires => {
    'perl' => 5.006,

If it is using Dist::Zilla then you can either explicitly set the minimum Perl version in the dist.ini as below:

perl = 5.006

Or you can use the plugin MinimumPerlFast which will detect the minimum Perl version needed by the distribution:


If you need any help getting started as a CPAN contributor, feel free to email me and if necessary, we can remote pair program to get you going.


Mohammad S Anwar

Mohammad is a CPAN contributor. He enjoys submitting pull requests and speaking at Perl Conferences. He runs the Perl Weekly Challenge. He is also co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Find out more about him on his website.

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