3 Awesome Perl Events in NYC this Spring/Summer

Something great is happening in NYC; there are 3 special Perl events happening in the next 3 months!

Quack & Hack NYC, April 4th

DuckDuckGo are a privacy-focused search engine with a large Perl codebase and they’re hosting the first ever NYC Quack & Hack at AlleyNYC. The focus of the event is creating cheatsheets to support DuckDuckGo help, which seems like a great way to encourage first-time contributors. With free food, drinks and merchandise, and an opportunity to meet new people, this looks like a lot of fun.

NYC Perl Hackathon, May 2nd

The NYC Perl Hackathon is back! It’s a day-long hackathon, hosted at Bloomberg. The organizers have produced some useful guides on how to prepare and what projects are available to hack on. Details can also be found on the New York Perl Mongers’ meetup page. The hackathon also have several sponsorship options for organizations looking to support Perl and promote their brand.

Mojoconf, June 4th-6th

Mojoconf is a conference about Mojolicious, the real-time web framework. Mojoconf consists of a day of training, a day of talks and a hackathon day. Almost the entire Mojo core dev team will be there, including project founder Sebastian Riedel and Glen Hinkle, author of those wonderful videos. You can still get an early-bird discount for the talks and hackathon until April 10th, so grab your ticket now!

Other stuff

Not far from NYC, the DC-Baltimore Perl workshop is running April 11th-12th, with a day of talks followed by a hackathon. For other events, a good list of global Perl events can be found on Perl Weekly.

I’m going to all 3 New York events, and looking forward to seeing everyone there. So come over and say hi! if you see me.

This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.


David Farrell

David is the editor of Perl.com. An organizer of the New York Perl Meetup, he works for ZipRecruiter as a software developer, and sometimes tweets about Perl and Open Source.

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